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Why Am I Stressed And Imbalanced? And Why Is My Doctor Not Helping?

Writer's picture: Molly MartinoMolly Martino

What if you could figure out how to ‘heal’ multiple areas of your life JUST by tuning into what feels right or not-so-right inside your body?

Sounds too simple to be true- right?

Well, medical science complicates things that are, at their core, quite simple.

Many of us have adopted the idea that without medicine, we CANNOT heal. And that is just simply not true; because before modern medicine, civilizations were healing themselves with the earth, with plants, with community, with rest, with exercise, and by and large—by listening to the subtle notions of the body.

OUR BODY already knows what to do.

OUR body inherently knows what it wants, what it needs, —and if we listen closely enough and pay it mind,  it will often tell us.

A lot of times, we are caught up in day to day activities, stressors, and expectations that need to be made. (Life is demanding things of us!)

We get caught up daily in so many of these things, that we are MISSING the subtle, gentler signs our body is signaling at us. 

Years and years of programmed beliefs of what we SHOULD do or are SUPPOSED to do result in us choosing to argue with the body.

And so, we tell the body….no…it's fine, I already know what to do.  I KNOW BEST.  This is how the world works.

So, as our bodies deteriorate from stress, so do our minds.

The health of one impacts the health of the other, and they both need to be in a balanced state for us to function optimally. 

Luckily the more we work on one, the health of the other improves. 

This is easy to illustrate→ Working out regularly, with a practice such as yoga, relieves stress. 

→ Releasing tension in the mind as a result of meditation results in tension being removed from our muscles, and leaves us feeling more relaxed. 

I would like to point out that modern medicine is absolutely amazing. As a Registered Nurse, I can completely attest to its success in treating a multitude of previously untreatable conditions.

However, doctors do not feel exactly what you feel or know exactly what you know

Doctors are trained to treat us from a medical model.

Allow me to provide you with a hypothetical example of the flaws in a medical model of healing:

You visit the doctors office, reporting that you have a multiple of symptoms that are messing with your daily life. 

The doctor reviews your symptoms: lower back pain, sciatica, trouble sleeping —

You may get prescribed a muscle relaxant to help with the musculoskeletal pain and some melatonin or sleep aid for your sleep disturbances.


You report: clenching in your jaw- so you are recommended a mouth guard at night.

You report: inability to concentrate at work—

Certainly you may get prescribed something like an ADD or ADHD medication to help with your concentration problems.

...and unstable moods– well of course a mood stabilizer may help

In this exaggerated example scenario, which I used specifically just to illustrate the physical symptoms of stress and burnout, the doctor did their job.

I want to be very clear about that.  They treated your symptoms.  That is what you came there for. 

But, no one in the scenario discussed your lifestyle habits, your environment, your relationships, your safety, or what stressors you're experiencing in your day to day life. 

So, you will leave this hypothetical doctors office with a handful of new medications and maybe a recommendation for a therapist– but your underlying stress remains untreated. 

The painful result of this, is that so many of us are still walking around just as stressed, with some chemical coping mechanisms (that will wear off, as medications do), and you are left inside the same hurting body, just begging for your help. 

Our body is sounding off warning signs and alarms all day long if body senses we are in danger or facing a threat. Our heart rate speeds, we sweat, we feel a rush of adrenaline, our stomach drops.

Those deep physical sensations are hard to ignore. 

Often times, when we DO hear our bodies, is when they are already FED UP with us; when we become ILL, when we have a STRESS BREAKDOWN, when we push ourselves so hard that we BREAK something.

If we are wise, we will extract a lesson from this, and change something in our lives to protect our precious body from going through this a second time. 

If we are extremely wise, we will seek to understand our bodies on a much deeper, soulful level.

If you are waking up every day with the alarms and signals sounding… know that you are headed toward greater dis-ease if you don’t tap in now and ask yourself WHAT IS MY BODY TRYING TO TELL ME?

You may be surprised that your intuition already knows the answer- but only if you begin to dial in and ask yourself the important questions.  

We have come a long way to advance modern medicine and we continue to make advancements every single day.  This, is an absolute gift.

We have developed important screening tools, medications, & treatments, that prevent early death and previously untreatable viruses that many past civilizations have faced. 

The problem is that with all these advances, we have glossed over the greatest screening tool that exists, ourselves. 

Collectively, I can see that we’ve become so dependent on medication, medical advice, the ease of which it is to pull a doctor up on an app or via Telehealth…that many of us have lost touch with the healing powers within each and every one of us.

So many of us have lost or misplaced the skill of listening to our own incredibly wise bodies.

Our bodies really just want to stay in a balanced state. 

In balance–our bodies function optimally, and our MINDS function optimally— 

How we DO NOT operate well– is in a state of imbalance;

While being overworked, and under-rested. 

Overstimulated, and undernourished.  

Under-stimulated and over-fed. 

Which, is the unfortunate reality for many of us.

This delicate system of ours requires quite a delicate balance. 

Our minds and bodies are simply vessels, which we as human beings can master the control of. 

You just need to know the right questions to ask, and most importantly, how to interpret and analyze the answers to discover impactful solutions.

I have excellent news for you→  I can help you achieve all of this and more, by working with me in my AWAKEN TO BALANCE course.

Together, we will navigate your own physical stressors and symptoms, using the 5,000 year old 7-Chakra Healing system- which has been used for centuries to connect humans with the subtle energy currents in our bodies. 

The result of mastering and awakening all 7 chakras is mastery over our vessels- our mind & our body. 

Simply, it leads to us being in complete control of our health, our stress, and our day to day lives, allowing us to enjoy LIFE the way it was MEANT to be ENJOYED.

We may then use this deep Self-knowledge to our advantage; using our minds and bodies as tools for navigating some of life’s most puzzling challenges. 

Through Yoga, Meditation, and good old fashioned guided journaling– you, too, can achieve the ultimate balance of mind, body, and soul. 

Work with me and join my AWAKEN TO BALANCE course today, and discover the joy and ease that comes along with achieving the balanced life that you have yet to discover.

If you are not quite ready yet... check out the FREE Pocket Chakra Guide available on the HomePage of my website!

As always, I am here to discuss and answer all of your questions about mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual health. (Remember-- they are all connected)

Don't hesitate to send me an email today and reserve your spot.

With All My Love & Gratitude,

Molly Martino Yoga

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